Sunday, March 16, 2014

Introduction to Healthy Eating


Healthy eating is eating adequate nutrients which can improve overall health. A healthy diet composed of nutrients such as fluid, adequate essential amino acids from protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and adequate calories.

Healthy means having or indicating good health in your body or mind. Being healthy is one of the better things in life. When a person is healthy, that person would be able to do or achieve anything in his or her own way. Eating the right kinds of food keeps your body healthy and makes you feel good. Therefore, a balanced diet is one that provides an adequate intake of energy and nutrients for maintenance of the body and therefore good health. 


Water -

Water is the major element in our body.  Our body composed of 60% of water and our brain need 70% out of the body water. We need at least 8 glasses a day to fullfil our need. We can suffer from dehydration if we drink less than needed. It is also possible to be fatal if we drink too much water.

Carbohydrate -

Carbohydrate is one of the most important source of energy. It is necessary to supply our body with glucose. Carbohydrate is divided into 2 which are simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates digest quickly while complex carbohydrates digest slowly. 

Proteins -

Proteins consist of amino acids which are essential building blocks of life. Proteins perform a vast array of functions within living organisms, including catalyzing metabolic reactionsreplicating DNAresponding to stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to another.

Fats -

Fats is a source of energy and a good storage for energy. Excess carbohydrates are converted to fats to be stored in the body, and when the body is in need, fats are broken down into energy for usage. 

Vitamins -

Vitamins are organic compounds which are needed by the body in limited amount. Many body functions requires vitamins to catalyse the reactions. Vitamins are further classified into fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins.

Minerals -

Minerals are inorganic compounds needed by the body in very limited amount. They help in regulating and catalysing various body functions.

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